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Therapy & Pain Relief

Osteopractic Physical Therapy and Pain Relief will continue to provide high quality, one-on-one, individualized mobile physical therapy and fitness service that you have come to expect.  However, it is our goal to also help provide you with knowledge and information to prevent future injuries and enjoy the quality of life you were intended to have!


Do you suffer from chronic pain associated with arthritis, neck pain, shoulder pain, low back pain, sciatica, migraines, headaches or TMJ? Are you frustrated with pain preventing you from doing the things you love?

Acupuncture Physical Therapy in Rockwall Texas
Cupping Pain Management Therapy


Are you tired of taking pain medications or looking to avoid injections which treat the symptoms, not the problem, and not feeling your best? Or the endless cycle of going from one doctor to another?


At Osteopractic Physical Therapy & Pain Relief, we have everything you have been looking for to relieve your pain and symptoms. We can help you live a pain free life, move easier, stay active and return to your favorite activities without relying on pain medications. We are passionate about patient care and empowering you to get healthy, stay healthy.

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

How We treat

Spinal Manipulation

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy

Dry Cupping

Dry Needling

Spinal manipulation is a comfortable and safe technique in which specific  vertebrae are targeted and applied with a gentle force, allowing them to release and generate an audible ”pop”. The techniques are comfortable for the patient, moment-induced, and performed in the middle of the client’s available range of motion. It’s great for neck and back pain, headaches, and more. 

Blood Flow Restriction Therapy (BFR) is a cutting edge training tool that can build muscle size and strength at lighter loads, significantly faster and often greater than those achieved with traditional resistance training. Results can begin to occur in as a little as 2-3 weeks. BFR also improves fitness when combined with aerobic or high intensity interval training. Therefore, BFR can improve VO2 max, aerobic capacity and is great for muscle recovery. 

Dry needles are fine microfilament needles inserted into myofascial trigger points, tendons, or ligaments to stimulate a healing response. It “re-sets” the muscle, getting deep into the areas of restriction allowing stubborn knots and tension to be released that ordinary therapy techniques can not accomplish. Dry needling works well for headaches, back and neck pain, shoulder pain, piriformis syndrome, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, hip pain, tennis/golfers elbow, carpal tunnel, migraines, IT band syndrome, and much more. 

Dry cupping is an effective technique that provides soft and deep tissue mobilization using plastic cups to target areas of pain, stress, stiffness and restriction. Air applied into the cups creates a vacuum (suction) that pulls up the skin, muscle and fascia. This allows improved circulation, healing, oxygen and nutrients to the area. It is a great tool for muscle recovery by removing lactic acid and toxins from targeted muscles. Marks that are left by the cups last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on the client. You will benefit from cupping if any daily or recreational movement causes you pain or if you exercise.


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